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How to save results of postgresql to csv/excel file using psycopg2?


I use driving_distance in postgresql to find distances between all nodes, and here's my python script in pyscripter,

import sys  #set up psycopg2 environment import psycopg2  #driving_distance module query = """     select *     from driving_distance ($$         select             gid as id,             start_id::int4 as source,             end_id::int4 as target,             shape_leng::double precision as cost         from network         $$, %s, %s, %s, %s     ) ;"""  #make connection between python and postgresql conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = 'routing_template' user = 'postgres' host = 'localhost' password = '****'") cur = conn.cursor()  #count rows in the table cur.execute("select count(*) from network") result = cur.fetchone() k = result[0] + 1  #run loops rs = [] i = 1 while i <= k:     cur.execute(query, (i, 1000000, False, False))     rs.append(cur.fetchall())     i = i + 1  #print result for record in rs:     print record conn.close() 

The result is fine, and part of the it in python interpreter looks like this,

[(1, 2, 35789.4069722436), (2, 2, 31060.0761437413), (3, 19, 30915.1312550546), (4, 3, 33438.0715007666), (5, 4, 29149.0894812718), (6, 7, 25504.020006665), (7, 7, 29594.741802956), (8, 5, 20736.2427352646), (9, 10, 19545.809601197), (10, 8, 22609.5146670393), (11, 9, 14134.5400189648), (12, 11, 12266.7845493204), (13, 18, 17426.7449057031), (14, 21, 11754.7277029158), (15, 18, 13128.3548040769), (16, 20, 21924.2253916803), (17, 11, 15209.9969992088), (18, 20, 26316.7797545076), (19, 13, 604.414419026164), (20, 16, 740.652673783403), (21, 15, 0.0), (22, 15, 2378.768084459)] [(1, 2, 38168.1750567026), (2, 2, 33438.8442282003), (3, 19, 33293.8993395136), (4, 3, 35816.8395852256), (5, 4, 31527.8575657308), (6, 7, 27882.788091124), (7, 7, 31973.509887415), (8, 5, 23115.0108197236), (9, 10, 21924.577685656), (10, 8, 24988.2827514983), (11, 9, 16513.3081034238), (12, 11, 14645.5526337793), (13, 18, 19805.5129901621), (14, 21, 14133.4957873748), (15, 18, 15507.1228885359), (16, 20, 24302.9934761393), (17, 11, 17588.7650836678), (18, 20, 28695.5478389666), (19, 13, 2983.18250348516), (20, 16, 3119.4207582424), (21, 15, 2378.768084459), (22, 15, 0.0)] 

I want to export these results to a new csv or excel files, and I have looked these related post and website,

  • PostgreSQL: export resulting data from SQL query to Excel/CSV
  • save (postgres) sql output to csv file
  • Psycopg 2.5.3.dev0 documentation

But still can't export these working under pyscripter, how can I do?

I am working with postgresql 8.4, python 2.7.6 under Windows 8.1 x64.

Update#1: I tried the following code provided by Talvalin(thanks!),

import sys  #set up psycopg2 environment import psycopg2  #driving_distance module query = """     select *     from driving_distance ($$         select             gid as id,             start_id::int4 as source,             end_id::int4 as target,             shape_leng::double precision as cost         from network         $$, %s, %s, %s, %s     ) """  #make connection between python and postgresql conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = 'TC_routing' user = 'postgres' host = 'localhost' password = '****'") cur = conn.cursor()  outputquery = 'copy ({0}) to stdout with csv header'.format(query)  with open('resultsfile', 'w') as f:     cur.copy_expert(outputquery, f)  conn.close() 

But got error below,

>>>   Traceback (most recent call last):   File "C:/Users/Heinz/Desktop/python_test/driving_distance_loop_test.py", line 27, in <module>     cur.copy_expert(outputquery, f) ProgrammingError: 錯誤:  在"語法錯誤"附近發生 % LINE 10:         $$, %s, %s, %s, %s                      ^ 

Maybe I need to add something more in the code above.

like image 830
Heinz Avatar asked Apr 01 '14 04:04


People also ask

How do I export data from PostgreSQL to CSV?

The easiest but the most efficient way to export data from a Postgres table to a CSV file is by using the COPY command. COPY command generates a CSV file on the Database Server. You can export the entire table or the results of a query to a CSV file with the COPY TO command.

Which PostgreSQL command can be used to export table data to a .CSV file?

Psql \copy command is used when you want to export the data from Postgres table to a CSV file on a client machine. To use this command, you will need access to the psql prompt. You will understand it more with the following psql copy examples. To copy the entire table to a csv file, use \copy.

1 Answers

Based on Psycopg2's cursor.copy_expert() and Postgres COPY documentation and your original code sample, please try this out. I tested a similar query export on my laptop, so I'm reasonably confident this should work, but let me know if there are any issues.

import sys  #set up psycopg2 environment import psycopg2  #driving_distance module #note the lack of trailing semi-colon in the query string, as per the Postgres documentation query = """     select *     from driving_distance ($$         select             gid as id,             start_id::int4 as source,             end_id::int4 as target,             shape_leng::double precision as cost         from network         $$, %s, %s, %s, %s     ) """  #make connection between python and postgresql conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname = 'routing_template' user = 'postgres' host = 'localhost' password = 'xxxx'") cur = conn.cursor()  outputquery = "COPY ({0}) TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER".format(query)  with open('resultsfile', 'w') as f:     cur.copy_expert(outputquery, f)  conn.close() 
like image 131
Talvalin Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10
