I have a method that generates a PDF file using Reportlab library:
def obtenerPDFNuevoPedido(self, handler,rsUsuarioPedido, rsPedido):
handler.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf'
handler.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=output.pdf'
story = []
story.append(Paragraph('CHIPAS', ParagraphStyle(name="centeredStyle", alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=20)))
story.append(Paragraph('____________ENLANUBE', ParagraphStyle(name="centeredStyle", alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=20)))
story.append(Spacer(6, 22))
story.append(Table([[Paragraph(str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d", gmtime())), ParagraphStyle(name="centeredStyle", alignment=TA_LEFT, fontSize=7)),
Paragraph(str(strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime())), ParagraphStyle(name="centeredStyle", alignment=TA_RIGHT, fontSize=7))]],colWidths=[5.05 * cm, 3.1 * cm]))
story.append(Paragraph("DEVELOPED AT ROSHKA-LABS", ParagraphStyle(name="centeredStyle", alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=6)))
story.append(Paragraph('-'*50, styleCentered))
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(handler.response.out, pagesize=letter)
when I call that method, it opens a save dialog, where I can specify where the file should be saved.
How shoud I do to save the generated pdf file in the Datastore?
Thanks in advance!
1) You can specify only desired file name (not destination)
2) Try this (not tested)
#define your database structure
from google.appengine.ext import db
class PdfStorage(db.Model):
timeAdded = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
pdfContent = db.BlobProperty()
Replace your
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(handler.response.out, pagesize=letter)
pdf = StringIO()
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(pdf, pagesize=letter)
#get content of generated pdf
content = pdf.getvalue()
#save to db
pdfStorage = PdfStorage(pdfContent = content);
#output to browser
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