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How to save CPU cycles when searching for a value in a sorted list?

In CodinGame learning platform, one of the questions used as an example in a C# tutorial is this one:

The aim of this exercise is to check the presence of a number in an array.

Specifications: The items are integers arranged in ascending order. The array can contain up to 1 million items. The array is never null. Implement the method boolean Answer.Exists(int[] ints, int k) so that it returns true if k belongs to ints, otherwise the method should return false.

Important note: Try to save CPU cycles if possible.


int[] ints = {-9, 14, 37, 102};

Answer.Exists(ints, 102) returns true.
Answer.Exists(ints, 36) returns false.

My proposal was to do that:

using System;
using System.IO;

public class Answer
    public static bool Exists(int[] ints, int k)
        foreach (var i in ints)
            if (i == k)
                return true;

            if (i > k)
                return false;

        return false;

The result of the test was:

  • ✔ The solution works with a 'small' array (200 pts) - Problem solving
  • ✔ The solution works with an empty array (50 pts) - Reliability
  • ✘ The solution works in a reasonable time with one million items (700 pts) - Problem solving

I don't get the last point. It appears that the code may be more optimal than the one I suggested.

How to optimize this piece of code? Is a binary search an actual solution (given that the values in the array are already ordered), or there is something simpler that I missed?

like image 729
Arseni Mourzenko Avatar asked Oct 20 '16 22:10

Arseni Mourzenko

3 Answers

Yes, I think that binary search O(log(N)) complexity v. O(N) complexity is the solution:

   public static bool Exists(int[] ints, int k) {
     return Array.BinarySearch(ints, k) >= 0;

since Array.BinarySearch return non-negative value if the item (k) has been found:


Return Value Type: System.Int32 The index of the specified value in the specified array, if value is found; otherwise, a negative number.

like image 95
Dmitry Bychenko Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 12:11

Dmitry Bychenko

Here is a fast method for an ordered array

public static class Answer
    public static bool Exists( int[] ints, int k )
        var lower = 0;
        var upper = ints.Length - 1;

        if ( k < ints[lower] || k > ints[upper] ) return false;
        if ( k == ints[lower] ) return true;
        if ( k == ints[upper] ) return true;

            var middle = lower + ( upper - lower ) / 2;

            if ( ints[middle] == k ) return true;
            if ( lower == upper ) return false;

            if ( k < ints[middle] )
                upper = Math.Max( lower, middle - 1 );
                lower = Math.Min( upper, middle + 1 );
        } while ( true );

Takes around 50 ticks on my cpu (with 90.000.000 items in the array)

Sample on dotnetfiddle

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Sir Rufo Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 13:11

Sir Rufo

class Answer
    public static bool Exists(int[] ints, int k)
        int index = Array.BinarySearch(ints, k);
        if (index > -1)
            return true;
            return false;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int[] ints = { -9, 14, 37, 102 };
        Console.WriteLine(Answer.Exists(ints, 14)); // true
        Console.WriteLine(Answer.Exists(ints, 4)); // false

like image 4
surbhi sinha Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 11:11

surbhi sinha