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How to save and manage Debug->Exceptions preferences in VS2010?

By example:
1. I'm fixing a bug and need to break on exceptions. I set to break on all exceptions.
2. Then I decided do not break on some exceptions and disabled them.
3. I solved the bug and disabled all exceptions. Oops, all preferences are gone.
4. I found another bug and need to repeat really annoying step 2.

So, how to avoid repeating of the step 2?

like image 460
alehro Avatar asked Mar 27 '11 21:03


1 Answers

This is partial but still quite useful answer on my question. Last week I was working on the program which generates a lot of exceptions on start up. I don't need to see them. But after the start I need to see all exceptions. So, I've wrote simple AutoHotkey script which just toggles main groups of exceptions when global hotkey pressed (Ctrl+Alt+e):

msvs:="Microsoft Visual Studio"

SetTitleMatchMode, 2

WinActivate, %msvs%
WinWaitActive, %msvs%
Send ^d
Sleep, 200
Send e
WinWaitActive, %ex%
Click  396 100
Click  396 120
Click  396 160
Click  396 180
Click  620 60
like image 149
alehro Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10
