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How to save a vector of keypoints using openCV





I was wondering if it was possible to save out a vector of cv::KeyPoints using the CvFileStorage class or the cv::FileStorage class. Also is it the same process to read it back in?


like image 793
Seb Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 20:07


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2 Answers

I am not sure about what you really expect : The code I provide you is simply an example, to show how the file storage works in the OpenCV C++ bindings. It assumes here that you write in the XML file all the Keypoints separately, with their name being their position in the vector they were stored in.

It assumes aswell that when you read them back, you know the number of them you want to read, if not, the code is a little bit more complex. You'll find a way (if for instance you read the filestorage and test what it gives you, if it doesn't give you anything, then it means there is no more point to read) -it's just an idea, you have to find a solution, maybe this piece of code will be enough for you. I should precise that i use ostringstream to put the integer in the string and by the way change the place where it will be written in the *.yml file.

vector<Keypoint> myKpVec;
FileStorage fs(filename,FileStorage::WRITE);

ostringstream oss;
for(size_t i;i<myKpVec.size();++i) {
    oss << i;
    fs << oss.str() << myKpVec[i];

vector<Keypoint> myKpVec;
FileStorage fs(filename,FileStorage::READ);
ostringstream oss;
Keypoint aKeypoint;
for(size_t i;i<myKpVec.size();<++i) {
    oss << i;
    fs[oss.str()] >> aKeypoint;


like image 118
jmartel Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09


char* key;
FileStorage f;
vector<Keypoint> keypoints;

write(f, key, keypoints);

read(f[key], keypoints);
like image 27
TheRisingEdge Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
