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How to sanitize user password information in WordPress?




I'm capturing username, email and password in a custom registration form on my WordPress site. I'm sanitising the username using sanitize_user() and sanitize_email() sanitises the email address.

For example:

$username = sanitize_user( $username );
$email = sanitize_email( $email );

How should I sanitise the password entered by the user? All I can think of is sanitize_text_field( $pass ) but I'm sure that isn't the right way to do it.


  • http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/sanitize_user
  • http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/sanitize_email
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henrywright Avatar asked Aug 01 '14 09:08


2 Answers

Sanitizing won't necessarily protect you from injection. To protect against that you need to use prepared statements - or in the case of WordPress, use the $wpdb class.

Sanitization simply strips invalid characters, in the cases you've given above, it removes characters not allowed in usernames, or are not allowed in a valid email address. Passwords allow lots of different character types because that's what makes them 'strong' so you don't want to strip them out.

If you're using wp_insert_user() to create a WP User, then you don't need to sanitize any of it anyway, the function will take care of it all for you.

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Mark Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10


wp_insert_user() state of sanitization and filters as off (2021) WordPress 5.7

wp_insert_user() and user_pass by default:

  • Hash user_pass via wp_hash_password().

Should NOT be sanitized.

wp_insert_user() and user_login by default:

  • Sanitize user_login via sanitize_user().
  • Filter user_login via empty().
  • Filter user_login via mb_strlen. (60 characters maximum).
  • Compare user_login via username_exists() to users.
  • Compare user_login via illegal_user_logins to illegal user logins.

wp_insert_user() and user_nicename by default:

  • Sanitize user_nicename via sanitize_user().
  • Filter user_nicename via mb_strlen. (50 characters maximum).
  • Sanitize user_nicename via sanitize_title().

wp_insert_user() and user_email by default:

  • No distinct sanitization.
  • Filter user_email via empty().
  • Compare user_email via strcasecmp to old.
  • Compare user_email via email_exists() to old.

wp_insert_user() and user_url, display_name, nickname, first_name, last_name, last_name, description, by default:

  • No distinct sanitization.
  • No distinct filters.
  • No distinct comparison.


  • user.php @ https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/master/wp-includes/user.php
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amarinediary Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 12:10
