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How to safely use [NSTask waitUntilExit] off the main thread?

I have a multithreaded program that needs to run many executables at once and wait for their results.

I use [nstask waitUntilExit] in an NSOperationQueue that runs it on non-main thread (running NSTask on the main thread is completely out of the question).

My program randomly crashes or runs into assertion failures, and the crash stacks always point to the runloop run by waitUntilExit, which executes various callbacks and handlers, including—IMHO incorrectly—KVO and bindings updating the UI, which causes them to run on non-main thread (It's probably the problem described by Mike Ash)

How can I safely use waitUntilExit?

Is it a problem of waitUntilExit being essentially unusable, or do I need to do something special (apart from explicitly scheduling my callbacks on the main thread) when using KVO and IB bindings to prevent them from being handled on a wrong thread running waitUntilExit?

like image 505
Kornel Avatar asked Jan 25 '16 16:01


1 Answers

As Mike Ash points out, you just can't call waitUntilExit on a random runloop. It's convenient, but it doesn't work. You have to include "doesn't work" in your computation of "is this actually convenient?"

You can, however, use terminationHandler in 10.7+. It does not pump the runloop, so shouldn't create this problem. You can recreate waitUntilExit with something along these lines (untested; probably doesn't compile):

dispatch_group group = dispatch_group_create();
task.terminationHandler = ^{ dispatch_group_leave(group); };
[task launch];
dispatch_group_wait(group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);

// If not using ARC:
like image 55
Rob Napier Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 05:11

Rob Napier