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How to run Wordpress admin on a different subdomain?

I have the requirement of running the Wordpress admin over https. We use a cdn to deliver cached content for the site but the cdn cannot accept secure traffic (only one SSL cert per IP allowed, and we run several sites off it). I cannot control redirects for httpS://www.mysite.com/.

I would like to have:


I have tried rewriting the urls as suggested in the article http://codex.wordpress.org/Administration_Over_SSL#Virtual_Hosts.

Hypothetically, you could use a host with a different name, such as wpadmin.mysite.com

Unfortunately trying this as suggested still sends me to httpS://www.mysite.com/blog/login.php.

# No matter what it redirects to the wrong subdomain for login.php
-> httpS://secure.mysite.com/blog/wp-admin/
-> httpS://www.mysite.com/blog/wp-login.php.

Also when directly going to the css files still link to the wrong url (.)

The simple solution would have been to run the blog off http://blog.mysite.com/blog/. Unfortunately this has been tried and was decided against for SEO reasons.

Is there anyway Wordpress can do this?

like image 617
CoffeeMonster Avatar asked Jul 29 '10 22:07


1 Answers

Have you looked into this thread? It is a mod on the WordPress HTTPS plugin.

like image 160
Gaia Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10
