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How to run validations of sub-class in Single Table Inheritance?

In my application, I have a class called Budget. The budget can be of many types.. For instance, let's say that there are two budgets: FlatRateBudget and HourlyRateBudget. Both inherit from the class Budget.

This is what I get so far:

class Budget < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_presence_of :price

class FlatRateBudget < Budget

class HourlyRateBudget < Budget
  validates_presence_of :quantity

In the console, if I do:

b = HourlyRateBudget.new(:price => 10)
=> false
=> ["Quantity can't be blank"]

As, expected.

The problem is that the "type" field, on STI, comes from params.. So i need to do something like:

b = Budget.new(:type => "HourlyRateBudget", :price => 10)
=> true

Which means that rails is running validations in the super-class instead of instantiating the sub class after I set up the type.

I know that is the expected behaviour, since I'm instantiating a class that dosen't need the quantity field, but I wonder if there is anyway to tell rails to run the validations for the subclass instead of the super.

like image 917
robertokl Avatar asked Feb 10 '12 14:02


4 Answers

You could probably solve this with a custom validator, similar to the answer on this question: Two models, one STI and a Validation However, if you can simply instantiate the intended sub-type to begin with, you would avoid the need for a custom validator altogether in this case.

As you've noticed, setting the type field alone doesn't magically change an instance from one type to another. While ActiveRecord will use the type field to instantiate the proper class upon reading the object from the database, doing it the other way around (instantiating the superclass, then changing the type field manually) doesn't have the effect of changing the object's type while your app is running - it just doesn't work that way.

The custom validation method, on the other hand, could check the type field independently, instantiate a copy of the appropriate type (based on the value of the type field), and then run .valid? on that object, resulting in the validations on the sub-class being run in a way that appears to be dynamic, even though it's actually creating an instance of the appropriate sub-class in the process.

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jefflunt Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11


I've done something similar.

Adapting it to your problem:

class Budget < ActiveRecord::Base

    validates_presence_of :price
    validates_presence_of :quantity, if: :hourly_rate?

    def hourly_rate?
        self.class.name == 'HourlyRateBudget'

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franzlorenzon Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 06:11


For anyone looking for example code, here's how I implemented the first answer:

validate :subclass_validations

def subclass_validations
  # Typecast into subclass to check those validations
  if self.class.descends_from_active_record?
    subclass = self.becomes(self.type.classify.constantize)
    self.errors.add(:base, "subclass validations are failing.") unless subclass.valid?
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Bryce Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11


Instead of setting the type directly set the type like that... Instead, try:

new_type = params.fetch(:type)
class_type = case new_type
  when "HourlyRateBudget"
  when "FlatRateBudget"
    raise StandardError.new "unknown budget type: #{new_type}"
class_type.new(:price => 10)

You could even transform the string into its class by: new_type.classify.constantize but if it's coming in from params, that seems a bit dangerous.

If you do this, then you'll get a class of HourlyRateBudget, otherwise it'll just be Budget.

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Jesse Wolgamott Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11

Jesse Wolgamott