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How to run the PHP code asynchronous



How can I run PHP code asynchronously without waiting? I have a long run (almost infinite) that should run while server starts and should process asynchronously without waiting.

The possible options I guess are:

  1. Running the code in a web page and keep it open to do that task
  2. Calling the script from some command line utility (I am not sure how) which would process in the background.

I am running the PHP scripts on my local server which will send emails when certain events occur, e.g. birthday reminders.

Please suggest how can I achieve this without opening the page in a browser.

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AjayR Avatar asked May 06 '11 01:05


People also ask

Can PHP run asynchronously?

What Is Asynchronous PHP? Asynchronous PHP refers to PHP code that is written using the asynchronous model. In other words, asynchronous applications can multi-task. This is critical because traditionally, there's a lot of time when a CPU sits idle while a PHP application manages I/O tasks.

Is PHP synchronous or asynchronous?

PHP serves requests synchronously. It means that each line of code executes in the synchronous manner of the script. After getting the result from one line it executes next line or wait for the result before jumping to the execution of the next line of code.

Is PHP cURL asynchronous?

Short answer is no it isn't asynchronous. Longer answer is "Not unless you wrote the backend yourself to do so." If you're using XHR, each request is going to have a different worker thread on the backend which means no request should block any other, barring hitting process and memory limits.

1 Answers

If you wanted to run it from the browser (perhaps you're not familiar with the command line) you could still do it. I researched many solutions for this a few months ago and the most reliable and simplest to implement was the following from How to post an asynchronous HTTP request in PHP


$params['my_param'] = $a_value;
post_async('http:://localhost/batch/myjob.php', $params);

 * Executes a PHP page asynchronously so the current page does not have to wait for it to     finish running.
function post_async($url, array $params)
    foreach ($params as $key => &$val) {
      if (is_array($val)) $val = implode(',', $val);
        $post_params[] = $key.'='.urlencode($val);  
    $post_string = implode('&', $post_params);


    $fp = fsockopen($parts['host'],
        $errno, $errstr, 30);

    $out = "POST ".$parts['path']." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
    $out.= "Host: ".$parts['host']."\r\n";
    $out.= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
    $out.= "Content-Length: ".strlen($post_string)."\r\n";
    $out.= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
    if (isset($post_string)) $out.= $post_string;

    fwrite($fp, $out);

Let's say the file above is in your web root directory (/var/www) for example and is called runjobs.php. By visiting http://localhost/runjobs.php your myjob.php file would start to run. You'd probably want to add some output to the browser to let you know it was submitted successfully and it wouldn't hurt to add some security if your web server is open to the rest of the world. One nice thing about this solution if you add some security is that you can start the job anywhere you can find a browser.

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Todd Chaffee Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Todd Chaffee