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how to run openCV related app , without using OpenCV manager in android




In my android application, i use static loading of OpenCV library i.e


it will return true when run on emulator, but return false when run on (mobile) device.

if i use

OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_2_4_3, this, mLoaderCallback)

if OpenCV manager .apk alredy installed,then above code work fine in emulator and device. here i want run openCV realted app, with out intall OpenCV manager.apk.

please help me. thanks in advance.

like image 416
challa sathish kumar Avatar asked Jan 08 '14 08:01

challa sathish kumar

1 Answers

Ok what you are talking is Static initialization of the OpenCV library.

See this Official Opencv help regarding this matter.

Also have a look at these StackOverflow topic and try compiling your code.


like image 157
BlueSword Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
