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how to run local command via ansible-playbook



I am trying to run some local command, iterating over inventory file and taking each hostname as an argument to the local command.

Eg: I wanted to run a command "knife node create {{ hostname }}" in my local machine(laptop). The playbook is:

- name: Prep node
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
  - name: node create
    command: "knife node create {{ hostname | quote }}"

and my inventory file looks like:

[qa-hosts] hostname=example-server-1

Ofcourse, it wont work as the inventory has 'qa-hosts' and the play is for '', as I wanted the play to run from my local machine.

Would anyone help me with an idea how to get it done. Basically, I want get the variable 'hostname' and pass it to above play block.

like image 789
Nandan A Avatar asked May 16 '17 14:05

Nandan A

1 Answers

I like delegate_to. Here's an example that, on localhost, runs getent hosts for each host:

- hosts: all
  connection: ssh
  gather_facts: true
  - name: Lookup ansible_hostname in getent database
    command: getent hosts {{ ansible_hostname }}
    delegate_to: localhost
    register: result

  - name: Show results
      var: result.stdout
    delegate_to: localhost
like image 103
Jack Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
