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How to run jscodeshift transform on all files?



I am creating a transform that will replace all instances of:

templateUrl: 'some/url/to/some.html'


template: require('some/url/to/some.html')

I am doing this because I am changing the way that our AngularJS code brings in their templates. I am going to make them all use the webpack string loader.

I have gotten the transform to work. But now I have no idea how to run it against all of the files in my project. I can't see in the documentation how to run this against all of the .js files in my project. To run my transform, I currently type:

jscodeshift ./folder/myComponent.js -t ./tools/codemodes/template.js -d -p

This command will run my transform against the myComponent.js file, but I want it to be run against all of the .js files in my project. What do I need to change with my current command to make it select all .js files, and run the transform against all of them?

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frosty Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 07:03


1 Answers

If you want to run a transform against all files in a directory, you just enter the directory path, instead of a file path. In the example above, do the following:

jscodeshift ./folder -t ./tools/codemod/templates.js -d -p

That will run the transform against all of your nested js files.

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frosty Avatar answered Jun 14 '23 16:06
