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How to run background process in spring mvc framework

I have a web-application (using spring mvc framework). It makes the following:

  1. Users upload a file to server.
  2. Go to success page immediately.
  3. Run a background process with that file.

So, how I can do this with spring mvc framework? Thank You in Advance!

like image 627
chicky Avatar asked Jan 21 '15 03:01


2 Answers

Use asynchronous marked method. You got example here:


and docs:


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mariubog Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10


You can use JobRunr (https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr) in your controller. You should add Maven dependency jobrunr-spring-boot-starter. Then you can run your code on separate thread:

private JobScheduler jobScheduler;
jobScheduler.enqueue(() -> someJobService.executeSampleJob());

For more details you can check: https://www.baeldung.com/java-jobrunr-spring

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nikolai.serdiuk Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10
