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How to run apk file online?


Is it possible to run APK file online to check whether the file is working properly or not?..That means even if i don't have android SDK will i be able to run APK file.

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user847470 Avatar asked Jul 29 '11 10:07


People also ask

Can I run APK file online?

One can instantly upload and run APK files online on the desired Android devices using its real device cloud. The APK file is installed on a real Android device that is hosted in a secure cloud environment. This means that users can evaluate the performance of their Android app in real user conditions and debug faster.

How do I run an APK file?

Just open your browser, find the APK file you want to download, and tap it – you should then be able to see it downloading on the top bar of your device. Once it's downloaded, open Downloads, tap on the APK file and tap Yes when prompted. The app will begin installing on your device. Simple.

2 Answers

Yes there is a solution to run .apk file online. There is an online emulator manymo.com. You can run this online but it has a limited service. You have pay for this to use it.

like image 100
Ashoka Mondal Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Ashoka Mondal

Appetize provides unlimited service to run your apk online on a number of devices. Check appetize.io appetize.io

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philip mudenyo Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

philip mudenyo