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How to run a Windows Forms application on macOS? [closed]


Is it possible to run a Windows Forms application (developed using Visual Studio on Windows) on macOS?

What would be needed? Is it free or would I have to purchase something?

like image 804
dlancer13 Avatar asked Feb 23 '16 00:02


People also ask

Can I run Windows form on Mac?

Visual Studio for Mac does not support Windows client projects like Windows Forms, WPF, or UWP.

Can .NET core WinForms run on Mac?

NET Core Runtime is cross-platform and can run on Mac and Linux, when using desktop frameworks with . NET Core, your app still relies on the underlying Windows platform. WinForms uses the WindowsAPI and Hwnd style-rendering and WPF uses DirectX; both of those platforms are directly tied to the native Windows OS.

Can C# programs run on Mac?

To compile and execute C# programs on Mac, firstly you need to IDE. On MacOS, one of the best IDEs is Monodevelop. Monodevelop is an open source IDE that allows you to run C# on multiple platforms i.e. Windows, Linux, and MacOS. MonoDevelop is also known as Xamarin Studio.

2 Answers

Yes, it is possible. For example, you can use Mono.

  • What is Mono
  • Porting Winforms Applications to run on Mac OS
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Thanh Nguyen Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 20:10

Thanh Nguyen

The .Net Core is cross platform though it doesn't include winform (maybe it will in the future) or Wpf (definitely won't be cross platform in future).

You can use Xamarin Studio and Mono to make a winform app for mac, though if you want to to use Visual Studio buy Xamarin business license for VS support or make a XNA or a web app. See my answer here .net core for linux and mac for more info.

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Jeremy Thompson Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 22:10

Jeremy Thompson