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How to run a command in the background and get no output?



People also ask

How do you suppress command output?

To silence the output of a command, we redirect either stdout or stderr — or both — to /dev/null. To select which stream to redirect, we need to provide the FD number to the redirection operator.

How do I run a command in the background?

Use bg to Send Running Commands to the Background You can easily send these commands to the background by hitting the Ctrl + Z keys and then using the bg command. Ctrl + Z stops the running process, and bg takes it to the background.

How do I run a command in the background and close a terminal?

In the new screen session, execute the command or script you wish to put in the background. Press Ctrl + A on your keyboard, and then D . This will detach the screen, then you can close the terminal, logout of your SSH session, etc, and the screen will persist.

What way can you execute command in background if you logout?

Option 2: bg + disown. If you want to "background" already running tasks, then Ctrl + Z then run bg to put your most recent suspended task to background, allowing it to continue running. disown will keep the process running after you log out.

Use nohup if your background job takes a long time to finish or you just use SecureCRT or something like it login the server.

Redirect the stdout and stderr to /dev/null to ignore the output.

nohup /path/to/your/script.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Redirect the output to a file like this:

./a.sh > somefile 2>&1 &

This will redirect both stdout and stderr to the same file. If you want to redirect stdout and stderr to two different files use this:

./a.sh > stdoutfile 2> stderrfile &

You can use /dev/null as one or both of the files if you don't care about the stdout and/or stderr.

See bash manpage for details about redirections.

Sorry this is a bit late but found the ideal solution for somple commands where you don't want any standard or error output (credit where it's due: http://felixmilea.com/2014/12/running-bash-commands-background-properly/)

This redirects output to null and keeps screen clear:

command &>/dev/null &

If they are in the same directory as your script that contains:

./a.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &
./b.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &

The & at the end is what makes your script run in the background.

The > /dev/null 2>&1 part is not necessary - it redirects the stdout and stderr streams so you don't have to see them on the terminal, which you may want to do for noisy scripts with lots of output.

Run in a subshell to remove notifications and close STDOUT and STDERR:

(&>/dev/null script.sh &)