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How to round to the next largest number?

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How do you round to the next whole number?

The rounding up of numbers means if a number is given in the decimal form and followed by the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 after the decimal point, then round the numbers up to the nearest whole number greater than the given one. For example, 14.682 = 15 (rounded up).

Which function rounds a number up to the next largest whole number or integer?

ceil() The Math. ceil() function always rounds a number up to the next largest integer.

How do you round up in Python?

Python has a built-in round() function that takes two numeric arguments, n and ndigits , and returns the number n rounded to ndigits . The ndigits argument defaults to zero, so leaving it out results in a number rounded to an integer.

You can use the Math.ceil() function.

Math.ceil(1.1) // returns 2

Conversely, if you wanted to round down you'd use Math.floor()

Math.floor(1.8) // returns 1

Here's a demo:

console.table([1, 1.25, 1.49, 1.5, 1.75, 2].map(n => ({
  "Math.floor(n)": Math.floor(n),
  "Math.ceil(n)": Math.ceil(n),
  "Math.round(n)": Math.round(n),
<script src="https://gh-canon.github.io/stack-snippet-console/console.min.js"></script><script>console.config({maximize:true,timeStamps:false})</script><style>.as-console-wrapper{display:block;}</style>

Note: Floor and ceiling functions aren't exclusive to javascript. See this wikipedia entry for more info.

Use Math.ceil():

Math.ceil(1.2); // 2

Use Math.ceil()

It does exactly what you want.