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How to round a float in F#?



Is there a function that can round a float in Fsharp? Something like

round(3.21156,3) = 3,212


like image 794
fabco63 Avatar asked Mar 27 '12 09:03


People also ask

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Use round() to round a float in Python Call the built-in function round(number, digits) on a float with the number of digits after the decimal point to round to digits to get float rounded to digits digits after the decimal point. If no value is given for digits , a default value of 0 will be used.

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Just use the formatting with %. 2f which gives you round down to 2 decimal points.

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How to Format a Number as Percentage. Python f-strings have a very convenient way of formatting percentage. The rules are similar to float formatting, except that you append a % instead of f . It multiplies the number by 100 displaying it in a fixed format, followed by a percent sign.

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In Python, to print 2 decimal places we will use str. format() with “{:. 2f}” as string and float as a number. Call print and it will print the float with 2 decimal places.

3 Answers

System.Math.Round (3.21156,3);;
val it : float = 3.212
like image 156
Gus Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 03:11


For reference, there are also built-in F# functions for floor, ceiling, truncate, and round; however, the built-in round function doesn't allow you to specify the precision like System.Math.Round(...) does.

Reference: https://fsharp.github.io/fsharp-core-docs/reference/fsharp-core-operators.html

like image 35
Jack P. Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 05:11

Jack P.

good old multiply-divide by ten-to-the-power-of-the-precision-needed

round (3.21156 * 1000.) / 1000.
like image 33
Ilya Kharlamov Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 04:11

Ilya Kharlamov