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How to rotate x-axis tick labels in Pandas barplot

People also ask

How do you rotate X tick labels?

Rotate X-Axis Tick Labels in Matplotlib There are two ways to go about it - change it on the Figure-level using plt. xticks() or change it on an Axes-level by using tick. set_rotation() individually, or even by using ax.

Pass param rot=0 to rotate the xticks:

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({ 'celltype':["foo","bar","qux","woz"], 's1':[5,9,1,7], 's2':[12,90,13,87]})
df = df[["celltype","s1","s2"]]
df.plot(kind='bar',alpha=0.75, rot=0)

yields plot:

enter image description here

Try this -


enter image description here

You can use set_xticklabels()

ax.set_xticklabels(df['Names'], rotation=90, ha='right')

The question is clear but the title is not as precise as it could be. My answer is for those who came looking to change the axis label, as opposed to the tick labels, which is what the accepted answer is about. (The title has now been corrected).

for ax in plt.gcf().axes:
    plt.xlabel(ax.get_xlabel(), rotation=90)

The follows might be helpful:

# Valid font size are xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, larger, smaller, None


Here is the function xticks[reference] with example and API

def xticks(ticks=None, labels=None, **kwargs):
    Get or set the current tick locations and labels of the x-axis.

    Call signatures::

        locs, labels = xticks()            # Get locations and labels
        xticks(ticks, [labels], **kwargs)  # Set locations and labels

    ticks : array_like
        A list of positions at which ticks should be placed. You can pass an
        empty list to disable xticks.

    labels : array_like, optional
        A list of explicit labels to place at the given *locs*.

        :class:`.Text` properties can be used to control the appearance of
        the labels.

        An array of label locations.
        A list of `.Text` objects.

    Calling this function with no arguments (e.g. ``xticks()``) is the pyplot
    equivalent of calling `~.Axes.get_xticks` and `~.Axes.get_xticklabels` on
    the current axes.
    Calling this function with arguments is the pyplot equivalent of calling
    `~.Axes.set_xticks` and `~.Axes.set_xticklabels` on the current axes.

    Get the current locations and labels:

        >>> locs, labels = xticks()

    Set label locations:

        >>> xticks(np.arange(0, 1, step=0.2))

    Set text labels:

        >>> xticks(np.arange(5), ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Sue'))

    Set text labels and properties:

        >>> xticks(np.arange(12), calendar.month_name[1:13], rotation=20)

    Disable xticks:

        >>> xticks([])