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How to return a new instance of self from a ruby instance method



I have a module which exists to be included in two similar classes. Some of the methods to be included in the module for identical use by both classes return a new instance.

But how to I encode in the module that the constructor for the containing class should be called?

A simplified example:

module Point3D
  def initialize(x,y,z)
    @x = x
    @y = y
    @z = z

  def * (scalar)
    <myclass>.new(@x * scalar, @y * scalar, @z * scalar)

class Vertex
  include Point3D

class Vector
  include Point3D

So in the definition of * how would i call the constructor such that in the context of the Vertex class it returned a new Vertex and in the context of the Vector class it returned a new Vector without redeclaring all such methods in each class?

like image 800
Nat Avatar asked Dec 14 '11 12:12


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self is a special variable that points to the object that "owns" the currently executing code. Ruby uses self everwhere: For instance variables: @myvar. For method and constant lookup. When defining methods, classes and modules.

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Ruby doesn't support multiple inheritance. Modules eliminate the need of multiple inheritance using mixin in Ruby. A module doesn't have instances because it is not a class. However, a module can be included within a class.

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In Ruby, a method provides functionality to an Object. A class method provides functionality to a class itself, while an instance method provides functionality to one instance of a class.

2 Answers

You can call 'class' method to get the class of obj.

For this case, it's

def * (scalar)
like image 164
yedingding Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09


Use self.class to get the object of the class where the module is included.

like image 42
Alok Swain Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Alok Swain