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how to return a clojure function as a string

is there any way to return a clojure function as a string? I am making some online documentation and I would really like to be able to add code into the html by somehow evaluating a function into text.


like image 704
Jon Rose Avatar asked Mar 09 '12 18:03

Jon Rose

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1 Answers

Take a look at the source-fn function from the clojure.repl namespace:

Usage: (source-fn x)

Returns a string of the source code for the given symbol, if it can find it. This requires that the symbol resolve to a Var defined in a namespace for which the .clj is in the classpath. Returns nil if it can't find the source. For most REPL usage, 'source' is more convenient.

Example: (source-fn 'filter)

like image 123
mtyaka Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09
