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How to return a boolean value from a regex

I can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong here..

if @calc.docket_num =~ /DC-000044-10/ || @calc.docket_num =~ /DC-67-09/
  @calc.lda = true
  @calc.lda = false

But it seems that @calc.docket_num can be any string whatsoever and it always returns as true.

Am I not doing this right?

like image 351
Trip Avatar asked Feb 01 '11 02:02


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2 Answers

This is a one-liner:

@calc.lda = !!(@calc.docket_num =~ /DC-000044-10|DC-67-09/)

The !! forces the response to true/false, then you can assign your boolean variable directly.

like image 72
Mark Thomas Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10

Mark Thomas

Alternatively you could use the triple equals (===) operator for the Regexp class which is used for determining equality when using case syntax.

@calc.lda = /DC-000044-10|DC-67-09/ === @calc.docket_num 
=> true


/Regexp/ === String is totally different than String === /Regexp/!!!! The method is not commutative. Each class implements === differently. For the question above, the regular expression has to be to the left of ===.

For the Regexp implementation, you can see more documentation on this (as of Ruby 2.2.1) here.

like image 42
Curley Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10
