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How to retrieve output parameter from stored procedure by EF code first

i am new in EF and working with EF code first. just got a link https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/How-to-retrieve-output-e85526ba which show how to use read output type param by EF db first. so anyone tell me how to retrieve output parameter from stored procedure by EF code first ?

if possible give me small sample code or redirect me to relevant articles.


I got a solution

var outParam = new SqlParameter();
outParam.ParameterName = "TotalRows";
outParam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
outParam.ParameterDirection = ParameterDirection.Output;

var data = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery<MyType>("sp_search @SearchTerm, @MaxRows, @TotalRows OUT", 
               new SqlParameter("SearchTerm", searchTerm), 
               new SqlParameter("MaxRows", maxRows),
var result = data.ToList();
totalRows = (int)outParam.Value;
like image 423
Monojit Sarkar Avatar asked Sep 16 '16 08:09

Monojit Sarkar

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1 Answers

To retrieve the data for a stored procedure call, you can use the following

using(var db = new YourConext())
       var details = db.Database.SqlQuery<YourType>("exec YourProc @p", 
                      new SqlParameter("@p", YourValue));

YourType: might be int or string or long or even a ComplexType

@p: in case if the stored procedure has parameters and you can define as many as you need from parameters

if you need more information about SqlQuery , you might check the following

  1. Writing SQL queries for entities
  2. Entity Framework Code First and Stored Procedures

Hope this will help you

like image 55
Monah Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
