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How to retrieve informations about journals from ISI Web of Knowledge?




I am working on some work of prediction citation counts for articles. The problem I have is that I need information about journals from ISI Web of Knowledge. They're gathering these information (journal impact factor, eigenfactor,...) year by year, but there is no way to download all one-year-journal-informations at once. There's just option to "mark all" which marks always first 500 journals in the list (this list then can be downloaded). I am programming this project in R. So my question is, how to retrieve this information at once or in efficient and tidy way? Thank you for any idea.

like image 266
Adam The Businessman Avatar asked Jan 03 '15 10:01

Adam The Businessman

1 Answers

I used RSelenium to scrape WOS to get citation data and make a plot similar to this one by Kieran Healy (but mine was for archaeology journals, so my code is tailored to that):

enter image description here

Here's my code (from a slightly bigger project on github):

# setup broswer and selenium
remDr <- remoteDriver()
# go to http://apps.webofknowledge.com/
# refine search by journal... perhaps arch?eolog* in 'topic'
# then: 'Research Areas' -> archaeology -> refine
# then: 'Document types' -> article -> refine
# then: 'Source title' -> choose your favourite journals -> refine
# must have <10k results to enable citation data
# click 'create citation report' tab at the top
# do the first page manually to set the 'save file' and 'do this automatically', 
# then let loop do the work after that

# before running the loop, get URL of first page that we already saved,
# and paste in next line, the URL will be different for each run

Here's the loop to automate collecting data from the next several hundred pages of WOS results...

# Loop to get citation data for each page of results, each iteration will save a txt file, I used selectorgadget to check the css ids, they might be different for you.
for(i in 1:1000){
  # click on 'save to text file'
  result <- try(
    webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = 'id', value = "select2-chosen-1")
  ); if(class(result) == "try-error") next;
  # click on 'send' on pop-up window
  result <- try(
    webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = "css", "span.quickoutput-action")
  ); if(class(result) == "try-error") next;
  # refresh the page to get rid of the pop-up
  # advance to the next page of results
  result <- try(
    webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = 'xpath', value = "(//form[@id='summary_navigation']/table/tbody/tr/td[3]/a/i)[2]")
  ); if(class(result) == "try-error") next;

# there are many duplicates, but the code below will remove them
# copy the folder to your hard drive, and edit the setwd line below
# to match the location of your folder containing the hundreds of text files.

Read all text files into R...

# move them manually into a folder of their own
# get text file names
my_files <- list.files(pattern = ".txt")
# make list object to store all text files in R
my_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(my_files))
# loop over file names and read each file into the list
my_list <- lapply(seq(my_files), function(i) read.csv(my_files[i], 
                                                      skip = 4, 
                                                      header = TRUE,                            
                                                      comment.char = " "))
# check to see it worked

Combine list of dataframes from the scrape into one big dataframe

# use data.table for speed
my_df <- rbindlist(my_list)
# filter only a few columns to simplify
my_cols <- c('Title', 'Publication.Year', 'Total.Citations', 'Source.Title')
my_df <- my_df[,my_cols, with=FALSE]
# remove duplicates
my_df <- unique(my_df)
# what journals do we have?

Make abbreviations for journal names, make article titles all upper case ready for plotting...

# get names
long_titles <- as.character(unique(my_df$Source.Title))
# get abbreviations automatically, perhaps not the obvious ones, but it's fast
short_titles <- unname(sapply(long_titles, function(i){
  theletters = strsplit(i,'')[[1]]
  wh = c(1,which(theletters  == ' ') + 1)
# manually disambiguate the journals that now only have 'A' as the short name                         
short_titles[short_titles == "A"] <- c("AMTRY", "ANTQ", "ARCH")
# remove 'NA' so it's not confused with an actual journal
short_titles[short_titles == "NA"] <- ""
# add abbreviations to big table
journals <- data.table(Source.Title = long_titles, 
                       short_title = short_titles)
setkey(journals) # need a key to merge
my_df <- merge(my_df, journals, by = 'Source.Title')
# make article titles all upper case, easier to read
my_df$Title <- toupper(my_df$Title)

## create new column that is 'decade'
# first make a lookup table to get a decade for each individual year
year1 <- 1900:2050
my_seq <- seq(year1[1], year1[length(year1)], by = 10)
indx <- findInterval(year1, my_seq)
ind <- seq(1, length(my_seq), by = 1)
labl1 <- paste(my_seq[ind], my_seq[ind + 1], sep = "-")[-42]
dat1 <- data.table(data.frame(Publication.Year = year1, 
                              decade = labl1[indx], 
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
setkey(dat1, 'Publication.Year')
# merge the decade column onto my_df
my_df <- merge(my_df, dat1, by = 'Publication.Year')

Find the most cited paper by decade of publication...

df_top <- my_df[ave(-my_df$Total.Citations, my_df$decade, FUN = rank) <= 10, ] 

# inspecting this df_top table is quite interesting.

Draw the plot in a similar style to Kieran's, this code comes from Jonathan Goodwin who also reproduced the plot for his field (1, 2)

######## plotting code from from Jonathan Goodwin ##########
######## http://jgoodwin.net/ ########

# format of data: Title, Total.Citations, decade, Source.Title

ws <- df_top

ws <-  ws[order(ws$decade,-ws$Total.Citations),]
ws$Title <- factor(ws$Title, levels = unique(ws$Title)) #to preserve order in plot, maybe there's another way to do this

g <- ggplot(ws, aes(x = Total.Citations, 
                    y = Title, 
                    label = short_title, 
                    group = decade, 
                    colour = short_title))

g <- g + geom_text(size = 4) + 
  facet_grid (decade ~.,
              scales="free_y") + 
  theme_bw(base_family="Helvetica") +
  theme(axis.text.y=element_text(size=8)) +
  xlab("Number of Web of Science Citations") + ylab("") +
  labs(title="Archaeology's Ten Most-Cited Articles Per Decade (1970-)", size=7) + 

g #adjust sizing, etc.

Another version of the plot, but with no code: http://charlesbreton.ca/?page_id=179

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Ben Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11
