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How to retrieve all recursive children of parent row in Oracle SQL?


I've got a recursive query that's really stretching the limits of this Java monkey's SQL knowledge. Now that it's finally 1:30 in the AM, it's probably time to start looking for some help. This is one of the few times Google has failed me.

The table is as follows:

25        26        1
25        27        2
26        28        1
26        29        1
26        30        2
27        31        1
27        32        1
27        33        2

I'm trying to get the following result, where the parent has every child listed below them. Note that the qty's cascade as well.

25         25        26        1
25         25        27        2
25         26        28        1
25         26        29        1
25         26        30        1
25         27        31        2
25         27        32        2
25         27        33        4
26         26        28        1
26         26        29        1
26         26        30        2
27         27        31        1
27         27        32        1
27         27        33        2

I've tried several deviations of the following to no avail.


I'm using the Oracle database. Any suggestions, ideas, etc. would be greatly appreciated. This seems close, but I'm not sure if it's what I'm looking for: Retrieve all Children and their Children, recursive SQL

Based on ( Retrieve all Children and their Children, recursive SQL )I've also tried the following but receive an "illegal reference ofa query name in WITH clause" error:

with cte as (
    select  CHILD_ID, PARENT_ID, CHILD_ID as head
    from    MD_BOMS
    where   PARENT_ID is not null
    union all
    select  ch.CHILD_ID, ch.PARENT_ID, p.head
    from    MD_BOMS ch
    join    cte pa
    on      pa.CHILD_ID = ch.PARENT_ID
select  *
from    cte
like image 798
Will Lovett Avatar asked Jun 28 '13 05:06

Will Lovett

People also ask

How do I get parent/child data in SQL?

To find out who that child's parent is, you have to look at the column parent_id , find the same ID number in the id column, and look in that row for the parent's name. In other words, Jim Cliffy has no parents in this table; the value in his parent_id column is NULL .

What is recursive CTE in Oracle?

Thus, a recursive CTE consists of a nonrecursive SELECT part followed by a recursive SELECT part. Each SELECT part can itself be a union of multiple SELECT statements. The types of the CTE result columns are inferred from the column types of the nonrecursive SELECT part only, and the columns are all nullable.

What is recursive SQL in Oracle?

When you issue a data definition language (DDL) statement, Oracle Database implicitly issues recursive SQL statements that modify data dictionary information. Users need not be concerned with the recursive SQL internally performed by Oracle Database. Previous.

1 Answers

You are close:

select connect_by_root parent_id base, parent_id, child_id, qty
from md_boms
connect by prior child_id = parent_id
order by base, parent_id, child_id;

          BASE  PARENT_ID   CHILD_ID        QTY
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
            25         25         26          1 
            25         25         27          2 
            25         26         28          1 
            25         26         29          1 
            25         26         30          2 
            25         27         31          1 
            25         27         32          1 
            25         27         33          2 
            26         26         28          1 
            26         26         29          1 
            26         26         30          2 
            27         27         31          1 
            27         27         32          1 
            27         27         33          2 

     14 rows selected 

The connect_by_root operator gives you the base parent_id.

SQL Fiddle.

I'm not sure how you're calculating your qty. I'm guessing you want the total for the path to the child, but that doesn't match what you've shown. As a starting point, then, borrowing very heavily from this answer, you could try something like:

with hierarchy as (
  select connect_by_root parent_id base, parent_id, child_id, qty,
    sys_connect_by_path(child_id, '/') as path
  from md_boms
  connect by prior child_id = parent_id
select h.base, h.parent_id, h.child_id, sum(e.qty)
from hierarchy h
join hierarchy e on h.path like e.path ||'%'
group by h.base, h.parent_id, h.child_id
order by h.base, h.parent_id, h.child_id;

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
        25         25         26          1 
        25         25         27          2 
        25         26         28          2 
        25         26         29          2 
        25         26         30          3 
        25         27         31          3 
        25         27         32          3 
        25         27         33          4 
        26         26         28          1 
        26         26         29          1 
        26         26         30          2 
        27         27         31          1 
        27         27         32          1 
        27         27         33          2 

 14 rows selected 
like image 184
Alex Poole Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10

Alex Poole