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How to retrieve all previous builds for a Jenkins job through the API?

I'm building a python script to pull build history data for Jenkins jobs. I've been successful with this using the Requests library to retrieve the json output, feed into a dataframe, and report on.

I'm noticing it's only pulling the last 100 builds, which looks like the default. I'm testing with a basic curl call, which works fine retrieving the last 100, to see how I can retrieve all builds. I've been searching Google and found one that said to add fetch_all_builds=True, but that still only pulls 100.

Does anyone know how I can request all the builds from a job through an API call?


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miwiwa Avatar asked Feb 22 '18 06:02


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1 Answers

Adding tree=allBuilds will give you what you want.

<JENKINS URL>/job/<Job Name>/api/json?tree=allBuilds[*]&depth=2

This is the API Call URL.

like image 183
SV Madhava Reddy Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10

SV Madhava Reddy