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How to retrieve all contacts using CNContact.predicateForContacts?

So I have this code which works fine, but only if you have specified a name in the predicateForContacts parameter.

func retrieveContactsWithStore(store: CNContactStore) {
    do {
           let predicate = CNContact.predicateForContacts(matchingName: "John")
           let keysToFetch = [CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeys(for: .fullName), CNContactPhoneNumbersKey] as [Any]

           let contacts = try store.unifiedContacts(matching: predicate, keysToFetch: keysToFetch as! [CNKeyDescriptor])
           self.objects = contacts
           DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { () -> Void in
       } catch {

I'd like to retrieve all the names of the people listed on address book.

like image 443
Chris Mikkelsen Avatar asked Dec 24 '16 01:12

Chris Mikkelsen

1 Answers

I'd like to retrieve all the names of the people listed on address book.

Form a CNContactFetchRequest specifying that the keys you want are names, and call enumerateContacts(with:usingBlock:).

    let req = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: [
        CNContactFamilyNameKey as CNKeyDescriptor,
        CNContactGivenNameKey as CNKeyDescriptor
    try! CNContactStore().enumerateContacts(with: req) {
        contact, stop in
        print(contact) // in real life, probably populate an array
like image 157
matt Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
