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How to restrict access to certain pages with JSF 2 after user has logged in?




I want to restrict access to certain JSF pages based on user access rights. How to do it in JSF ? I have found two links: Restricting users from accessing pages by directly changing the URL in JSF. But the answer didn't mention how to block access to page. With response.sendError ? The second link: JSF: How control access and rights in JSF?

Also what is the best to use PhaseListener or to use ServletFilter ?

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John N Avatar asked Aug 21 '13 21:08

John N

1 Answers

But the answer didn't mention how to block access to page. With response.sendError ?

It's fully to your choice. It all depends on your business requirements. Do you want to redirect to login page? Just do that!

response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/login.xhtml");

Or, do you want to show a scary and user-unfriendly HTTP 401 error? Just do that!


At least, anything but continuing the request to the restricted resource by chain.doFilter(). Otherwise the whole restriction would be pointless.

Also what is the best to use PhaseListener or to use ServletFilter ?

A servlet filter is designed to intercept on HTTP requests and runs only once far before FacesServlet is invoked and is therefore capable of hooking on non-JSF requests, depending on the URL pattern.

A phase listener is designed to intercept on before- and after-condition of every single JSF phase (there are 6) and runs 2 up to 12 times during a JSF request, depending on the current JSF phase.

What does your common sense say? Which one looks more simple and efficient for the very simple job of allowing/blocking HTTP requests (and thus not JSF phases)? Just use the right tool for the job.

For case you're interested, here's a rather complete example of such an authorization filter: Authorization redirect on session expiration does not work on submitting a JSF form, page stays the same.

See also:

  • How to handle authentication/authorization with users in a database?
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BalusC Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
