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How to resolve recursive asynchronous promises?

I'm playing around with promises and I'm having trouble with an asynchronous recursive promise.

The scenario is an athlete starts running the 100m, I need to periodically check to see if they have finished and once they have finished, print their time.

Edit to clarify :

In the real world the athlete is running on a server. startRunning involves making an ajax call to the server. checkIsFinished also involves making an ajax call to the server. The code below is an attempt to imitate that. The times and distances in the code are hardcoded in an attempt to keep things as simple as possible. Apologies for not being clearer.

End edit

I'd like to be able to write the following



var intervalID;
var startRunning = function () {
  var athlete = {
    timeTaken: 0,
    distanceTravelled: 0
  var updateAthlete = function () {
    athlete.distanceTravelled += 25;
    athlete.timeTaken += 2.5;
    console.log("updated athlete", athlete)

  intervalID = setInterval(updateAthlete, 2500);

  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(resolve.bind(null, athlete), 2000);

var checkIsFinished = function (athlete) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    if (athlete.distanceTravelled >= 100) {

    } else {
      console.log("not finished yet, check again in a bit");
      setTimeout(checkIsFinished.bind(null, athlete), 1000);

var printTime = function (athlete) {
  console.log('printing time', athlete.timeTaken);

var handleError = function (e) { console.log(e); };

I can see that the promise that is created the first time checkIsFinished is never resolved. How can I ensure that that promise is resolved so that printTime is called?

Instead of


I could do


But I'd like to avoid that if possible, I'd really like to be able to write

like image 625
user5325596 Avatar asked Sep 11 '15 14:09


1 Answers

The bug is that you are passing a function that returns a promise to setTimeout. That promise is lost into the ether. A band-aid fix might be to recurse on the executor function:

var checkIsFinished = function (athlete) {
  return new Promise(function executor(resolve) {
    if (athlete.distanceTravelled >= 100) {
    } else {
      console.log("not finished yet, check again in a bit");
      setTimeout(executor.bind(null, resolve), 1000);

But meh. I think this is a great example of why one should avoid the promise-constructor anti-pattern (because mixing promise code and non-promise code inevitably leads to bugs like this).

Best practices I follow to avoid such bugs:

  1. Only deal with async functions that return promises.
  2. When one doesn't return a promise, wrap it with a promise constructor.
  3. Wrap it as narrowly (with as little code) as possible.
  4. Don't use the promise constructor for anything else.

After this, I find code easier to reason about and harder to bugger up, because everything follows the same pattern.

Applying this to your example got me here (I'm using es6 arrow functions for brevity. They work in Firefox and Chrome 45):

var console = { log: msg => div.innerHTML += msg + "<br>",
                error: e => console.log(e +", "+ e.lineNumber) };

var wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

var startRunning = () => {
  var athlete = {
    timeTaken: 0,
    distanceTravelled: 0,
    intervalID: setInterval(() => {
      athlete.distanceTravelled += 25;
      athlete.timeTaken += 2.5;
      console.log("updated athlete ");
    }, 2500)
  return wait(2000).then(() => athlete);

var checkIsFinished = athlete => {
  if (athlete.distanceTravelled < 100) {
    console.log("not finished yet, check again in a bit");
    return wait(1000).then(() => checkIsFinished(athlete));
  return athlete;

  .then(athlete => console.log('printing time: ' + athlete.timeTaken))
<div id="div"></div>

Note that checkIsFinished returns either athlete or a promise. This is fine here because .then functions automatically promote return values from functions you pass in to promises. If you'll be calling checkIsFinished in other contexts, you might want to do the promotion yourself, using return Promise.resolve(athlete); instead of return athlete;.

Edit in response to comments from Amit:

For a non-recursive answer, replace the entire checkIsFinished function with this helper:

var waitUntil = (func, ms) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  var interval = setInterval(() => {
    try { func() && resolve(clearInterval(interval)); } catch (e) { reject(e); }
  }, ms);

and then do this:

var athlete;
  .then(result => (athlete = result))
  .then(() => waitUntil(() => athlete.distanceTravelled >= 100, 1000))
  .then(() => {
    console.log('finished. printing time: ' + athlete.timeTaken);

var console = { log: msg => div.innerHTML += msg + "<br>",
                error: e => console.log(e +", "+ e.lineNumber) };

var wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

var waitUntil = (func, ms) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  var interval = setInterval(() => {
    try { func() && resolve(clearInterval(interval)); } catch (e) { reject(e); }
  }, ms);

var startRunning = () => {
  var athlete = {
    timeTaken: 0,
    distanceTravelled: 0,
    intervalID: setInterval(() => {
      athlete.distanceTravelled += 25;
      athlete.timeTaken += 2.5;
      console.log("updated athlete ");
    }, 2500)
  return wait(2000).then(() => athlete);

var athlete;
  .then(result => (athlete = result))
  .then(() => waitUntil(() => athlete.distanceTravelled >= 100, 1000))
  .then(() => {
    console.log('finished. printing time: ' + athlete.timeTaken);
<div id="div"></div>
like image 125
jib Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10
