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How to resolve -lPods not found?

So I am using pre-implemented project call FreeRDP. I have build the project correctly and it works. I want to use some external libraries and want to manage them using cocoa pods. I go through the process of creating my pod file and it goes through successful. It's not until that I build that I get a error saying that the library -lPods can not be found.

I can't seem to find a good solution from Cocoapods that resolves this. Would anyone know how to fix this?

My pod file looks like this :

platform :ios, "6.0"

target :Test do pod 'EasyTableView', '~> 1.1.1'


like image 618
Phong Le Avatar asked Feb 15 '23 11:02

Phong Le

1 Answers

I encountered a very same issue. Try the following approach:

After opening your workspace, select the Pods project.

Select the Build settings tab and change the Build Active Architecture Only to No. This should solve your issue.

like image 198
NSMutableString Avatar answered Feb 17 '23 01:02
