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How to resolve injected instances in Vue.js using TypeScript

According to the official document, it seems that we can use dependency injection feature as long as we stay on object-based structure.

Here's my question. I'm using TypeScript to achieve this goal (class-based). I'm going to use Inversify as an IoC container. My initial idea was something like:


import { Container } from "inversify";
import "reflect-metadata";
import Warrior from "./interfaces/Warrior";
import { Ninja } from "./models/Warrior";

let container = new Container();


export default container;


import container from "./DependencyConfig";

  name: "App",
  provide: container
export default class App extends Vue {

When I checked in my browser's dev console, I was able to see the container has been set to the _provided field. Here's Hello.ts, the child component of App.ts:


  name: "Hello",
  inject: [ "container" ]
export default class Hello extends Vue {
  created (): void {

As App.ts could access to Hello.ts through vue-router, it didn't register Hello.ts as a child component. I was expecting the injected container should appear on _injected or something similar. However, I couldn't find it. I changed the inject property value from "container" to { "container": Symbol("Container") } but I couldn't still find it.

Service Locator:

It works fine to use a service locator instead of the provide/inject pair:

// App.ts
  name: "App"
export default class App extends Vue {

// Hello.ts
import container from "./DependencyConfig";

  name: "Hello"
export default class Hello extends Vue {
  created (): void {
    var ninja = container.get<Ninja>(Symbol("Warrior"));

However, I want to avoid using the service locator pattern here. Did I miss something while using the provide/inject pair for dependency injection?

like image 784
justinyoo Avatar asked Mar 20 '17 00:03


1 Answers

I found a solution. If we use vue-class-component and vue-property-decorator, we can achieve this goal – using the provide/inject pair. Here's my code snippet:

// App.vue
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import Component from "vue-class-component";
import SERVICE_IDENTIFIER from "./models/Identifiers";
import container from "./configs/DependencyConfigs";

  name: "App",
  // Provides IoC container at the top level of VueComponent
  provide: {
export default class App extends Vue {

At the top-most Vue component, App.vue, we provide the container instance so that its all child component can consume it. Here's one of its child component, Ninja.vue:

// Ninja.vue
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";

// Imports both Component and Inject decorators from vue-property-decorator,
// instead of vue-class-component
import { Component, Inject } from "vue-property-decorator";

import { Container } from "inversify";

import SERVICE_IDENTIFIER from "../models/Identifiers";
import { Ninja as _Ninja } from "../models/Warrior";

  name: "Ninja"
export default class Ninja extends Vue {
  public warrior: string;
  public weapon: string;

  // IoC container provided from App.ts is injected here
  private _container: Container;

  private _ninja: _Ninja;

  created (): void {
    this._ninja = this._container.get<_Ninja>(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER.WARRIOR);
    this.warrior = this._ninja.name;
    this.weapon = this._ninja.weapon.name;

The child component uses the @Inject(Symbol) decorator to resolve injected container instance from App.vue.

I wrote a blog post about this in both English and Korean about this.


like image 167
justinyoo Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11
