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How to resize the AVD emulator window in Android Studio?

People also ask

How do I change the layout of my emulator?

Go to Window --> Android AVD Manager --> Virtual Devices Select AVD --> Select Edit --> Select Skin: Built-in HVGA (for 160) --> Edit AVD to save.

How do I make android emulator full screen?

Alt+Enter is the keyboard shortcut to toggle full screen mode in the emulator, just do it again to exit full screen.

How do I increase the size of my emulator disk?

On Android StudioClick Edit Icon to edit the AVD. Click Show Advanced settings. Change the Internal Storage, Ram, SD Card size as necessary. Click Finish.

With Android Studio 2 now you can resize your window simply by dragging a corner.

enter image description here

After the Android Studio 2.2 update, there is no Emulator Tab in Edit Configurations window.

If you want to scale your emulator, you just need to use this keyboard combination:

To scale up: Ctrl +

To scale down: Ctrl +

If what you want is scaling by a percentage or getting a 1:1 display, maybe you should try modifying these two files: (I don't know if this one will work since I didn't have a chance to try.)

C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME.android\avd\Nexus_XX_API_XX.avd\hardware-qemu.ini

C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME.android\avd\Nexus_XX_API_XX.avd\hardware-qemu.ini

You can resize your emulator screen

  1. By going (in the top menu of Android Studio) to Run > Edit Configurations

  2. In the left panel of the just opened dialog, choose your application.

  3. In the right panel, choose the General tab, and then go down and check Emulator, and in Prefer Android Virtual Device, choose the virtual device you are currently using.

  4. Now, go the tab Emulator (next to the General tab), and in Additional command line options, write

    -scale 0.X

    where X can be for example 25 or 50, which would represent respectively 25% and 50% of original size.

Try this on Android Studio:

  1. Go to Run

  2. Click Edit Configurations

  3. From left side, under the Android Application tab, select name of your application

  4. Now, from General tab (in the right panel), go down and check Emulator, and select one emulator from Prefer Android Virtual Device list

    For point 3 and 4

  5. Click on the Emulator tab, and in the entry box Additional command line options, change the scale of the emulator to something of the form -scale 0.X (where X could be for example 40, if you want your emulator to be 40% of the full size)

    enter image description here

  6. Click Ok to save these settings

Edit : On Android Studio 1.5 , this options are removed. Good News is we can directly change the size of the emulator from Android Studio 2.0 (As shown in the introduction video)