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How to require a file other than the npm main file in node?


... "name": "mypackage", "main": "src/index.js" ... 

Directory structure:

|- src/ |--- index.js |--- other.js 

I can require src/index.js with require('mypackage');, but how can I require src/other.js?

If the answer is require('mypackage/src/other');, is there a way to make it so I can require it with require('mypackage/other'); (i.e. teaching node what the source file directory is of your module?

like image 657
Mike Sherov Avatar asked Oct 08 '15 13:10

Mike Sherov

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2 Answers

AFAIK You'll have to explicitly expose it in the root:

Directory structure:

|- src/ |--- index.js |--- other.js |- other.js 

Then in /other.js

module.exports = require('src/other.js'); 

Now you can do require('mypackage/other')

like image 117
Creynders Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09


I'm currently looking into the exact same thing.

Package.json has a property called 'files':



The "files" field is an array of files to include in your project. If you name a folder in the array, then it will also include the files inside that folder.

But I have yet to find how to do a import/require of such a file. I don't really see another point in listing these files other then to be able to import/require them?

I was able to import a file from a package if it was listed in this files array.

{     "name": "local-ui-utilities",     "version": "0.0.1",     "description": "LOCAL UI Utilities",     "main": "index.jsx",     "author": "Norbert de Langen",     "license": "none",     "dependencies": {     },     "files": [        "/colors/sets/variables.css"     ] } 

I'm able to import the css file from the package using postcss-import:

@import "local-ui-utilities/colors/sets/a.css"; 

This probably isn't your use-case, but postcss-import just uses npm under the hood. So This should work for your use-case as well, I would think.

This question and accepted answer seem related: Node/NPM: Can one npm package expose more than one file?

like image 39
Norbert Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09
