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How to request data sequentially in Cycle.js?

I’m new to reactive programming and toying around with cycle.js, trying to implement who to follow box from this tutorial. But I understood that for proper implementation (and learning purposes) I don’t have one piece of data: full user name. I can get it by sequentially getting users and then full user data from server. In imperative style I would do something like this:

  .then(data => data.json())
  .then(users => fetch(users[0].url))
  .then(data => data.json())
  .then(/* ... work with data ... */)

But how do I do it in cycle? I’m using fetch driver and trying something like this:

function main({ DOM, HTTP }) {
  const users = `https://api.github.com/users`;

  const refresh$ = DOM.select(`.refresh`).events(`click`)

  const response$ = getJSON({ key: `users` }, HTTP)

  const userUrl$ = response$
    .map(users => ({
      url: R.prop(`url`, R.head(users)),
      key: `user`,

  const request$ = refresh$
    .map(_ => ({
      url: `${users}?since=${random(500)}`,
      key: `users`,

  const dom$ = ...

  return {
    DOM: dom$,
    HTTP: request$,

where getJSON is

function getJSON(by, requests$) {
  const type = capitalize(firstKey(by));

  return requests$
    .flatMap(res => res.json());

And I’m always getting some cryptic (for me) error like: TypeError: Already read. What does it mean and how do I handle it properly?

like image 899
alice kibin Avatar asked Nov 19 '15 22:11

alice kibin

1 Answers

You were quite close. You just need to remove startWith(null) as a request, and grabbing the second response (you were missing the getJSON for that one).

function main({ DOM, HTTP }) {
  const usersAPIPath = `https://api.github.com/users`;

  const refresh$ = DOM.select(`.refresh`).events(`click`);

  const userResponse$ = getJSON({ key: `user` }, HTTP);
  const listResponse$ = getJSON({ key: `users` }, HTTP);

  const userRequest$ = listResponse$
    .map(users => ({
      url: R.prop(`url`, R.head(users)),
      key: `user`,

  const listRequest$ = refresh$
    .map(_ => ({
      url: `${usersAPIPath}?since=${Math.round(Math.random()*500)}`,
      key: `users`,

  const dom$ = userResponse$.map(res => h('div', JSON.stringify(res)));

  return {
    DOM: dom$,
    HTTP: listRequest$.merge(userRequest$),
like image 66
André Staltz Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10

André Staltz