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How to represent a categorical predictor rstan?

What is the proper way to format a categorical predictor to use in STAN? I cannot seem to input a categorical predictor as a normal factor variable, so what is the quickest way to transform a normal categorical variable such that Stan can accept it?

For example, say I had a a continue predictor and a categorical predictor

your_dataset = data.frame(income = c(62085.59, 60806.33, 60527.27, 67112.64, 57675.92, 58128.44, 60822.47, 55805.80, 63982.99, 64555.45),
country = c("England", "England", "England", "USA", "USA", "USA", "South Africa", "South Africa", "South Africa", "Belgium"))

Which looks like this:

     income      country
1  62085.59      England
2  60806.33      England
3  60527.27      England
4  67112.64          USA
5  57675.92          USA
6  58128.44          USA
7  60822.47 South Africa
8  55805.80 South Africa
9  63982.99 South Africa
10 64555.45      Belgium

How would I prepare this to be entered in rstan?

like image 730
goldisfine Avatar asked Mar 21 '15 13:03


1 Answers

It is correct that Stan only inputs real or integeger variables. In this case, you want to convert a categorical predictor into dummy variables (perhaps excluding a reference category). In R, you can do something like

dummy_variables <- model.matrix(~ country, data = your_dataset)

Which will look like this

   (Intercept) countryEngland countrySouth Africa countryUSA
1            1              1                   0          0
2            1              1                   0          0
3            1              1                   0          0
4            1              0                   0          1
5            1              0                   0          1
6            1              0                   0          1
7            1              0                   1          0
8            1              0                   1          0
9            1              0                   1          0
10           1              0                   0          0
[1] 0 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"

However, that might not come out to the right number of observations if you have unmodeled missingness on some other variables. This approach can be taken a step farther by inputting the entire model formula like

X <- model.matrix(outcome ~ predictor1 + predictor2 ..., data = your_dataset)

Now, you have an entire design matrix of predictors that you can use in a .stan program with linear algebra, such as

data {
  int<lower=1> N;
  int<lower=1> K;
  matrix[N,K]  X;
  vector[N]    y;
parameters {
  vector[K] beta;
  real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
  y ~ normal(X * beta, sigma); // likelihood
  // priors

Utilizing a design matrix is recommended because it makes your .stan program reusable with different variations of the same model or even different datasets.

like image 104
Ben Goodrich Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Ben Goodrich