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How to replace XML node contents using Nokogiri

I'm using Ruby to read an XML document and update a single node, if it exists, with a new value.

http://www.nokogiri.org/tutorials/modifying_an_html_xml_document.html is not obvious to me how to change the node data, let alone how to save it back to the file.

def ammend_parent_xml(folder, target_file, new_file)
  # open parent XML file that contains file reference
  get_xml_files = Dir.glob("#{@target_folder}/#{folder}/*.xml").sort.select {|f| !File.directory? f}
  get_xml_files.each { |xml|

    f       = File.open(xml)

    # Use Nokgiri to read the file into an XML object
    doc     = Nokogiri::XML(f)
    filename  = doc.xpath('//Route//To//Node//FileName')

    filename.each_with_index {
      |fl, i|
      if target_file == fl.text
        # we found the file, now rename it to new_file
        # ???????




This is some example XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">

I want to change "file3.doc" to "file3_new.html".

I would call:

def ammend_parent_xml("folder_location", "file3.doc", "file3_new.html")
like image 597
Beertastic Avatar asked Feb 20 '15 10:02


1 Answers

To change an element in the XML:

@doc = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse <<-EOXML

h1 = @doc.at_xpath "body/h1"
h1.content = "NEW_CONTENT"

puts @doc.to_xml   #h1 will be NEW_CONTENT

To save the XML:

file = File.new("xml_file.xml", "wb")

There's a few things wrong with your sample XML.

  • There are two root elements my_id and Route
  • There is a missing ? in the first tag
  • Do you need the last line </xml>?

After fixing the sample I was able to get the element by using the example by Phrogz:

element = @doc.xpath("Route//To//Node//Filename[.='#{target_file}']").first 

Note .first since it will return a NodeSet.

Then I would update the content with:

element.content = "foobar"
like image 118
jmccure Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 11:10
