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How to replace WireMock @Rule annotation in JUnit 5?

I'm using WireMock in my tests and have such a line of code:

@Rule public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(8080); 

I want to switch to JUnit 5. So I added the next dependency (using Gradle):


But there are no suggestions when I'm trying to import @Rule annotation.

Do I need to add another module of JUnit dependency? Or are rules not supported in JUnit 5? If not, how can I replace @Rule annotation to make tests work again?

like image 645
IKo Avatar asked Jun 24 '18 17:06


People also ask

Which type of junit4 rule is supported in junit5?

In JUnit 4, we used the @Rule and @ClassRule annotations to add special functionality to tests. In JUnit 5. we can reproduce the same logic using the @ExtendWith annotation.

What is @ExtendWith?

@ExtendWith is a repeatable annotation that is used to register extensions for the annotated test class, test interface, test method, parameter, or field. Annotated parameters are supported in test class constructors, in test methods, and in @BeforeAll , @AfterAll , @BeforeEach , and @AfterEach lifecycle methods.

What is JUnit vintage engine?

JUnit Vintage ensures that existing JUnit tests can run alongside newer tests created using JUnit Jupiter. JUnit 5's architecture also supports running multiple test engines simultaneously: you can run the JUnit Vintage test engine with virtually any other test engine that is compatible with JUnit 5.

What is JUnit extension?

JUnit 5 extensions are related to a certain event in the execution of a test, referred to as an extension point. When a certain life cycle phase is reached, the JUnit engine calls registered extensions. Five main types of extension points can be used: test instance post-processing. conditional test execution.

1 Answers

In a general way, what you did with @Rule and @ClassRule in JUnit 4 should be done with @ExtendWith and Extension that associated provide a very close feature in JUnit 5.
It works as standards JUnit lifecycle hooks but that it is extracted in a Extension class. And similarly to @Rule, as many Extensions as required may be added for a test class.

To handle the issue you have several possible approaches among :

  • keep the JUnit 4 way (JUnit 5 owns the JUnit Vintage part that allows to execute JUnit 3 or 4 tests).
  • rewrite the @Rule as an Extension.
  • do the actual processing done by WireMockRule (start the server, execute your tests and stop the server) in each test of class with @BeforeEach and @AfterEach hook methods.
  • use a third library that implements the equivalent of WireMockRule in the JUnit 5 Extension way such as https://github.com/lanwen/wiremock-junit5

Note that your issue already discussed in the JUnit 5 Issues.

like image 171
davidxxx Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
