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How to replace URL " " by "-" or "_"?

In YII If there is blank space in title which is being used for url, then by default blank spaces are replaced by "+" sign. Something like this:


What I want to do is, I want to replace "+" sign by "-" (dash sign) or by "_" (underscore). Something like this:




Right now my urlManager is:

like image 542
Mohit Bhansali Avatar asked Mar 24 '23 05:03

Mohit Bhansali

1 Answers

Well, nothing strange since Yii use urlencode to encode url parameters.

First approach

You could handle this in your model, e.g. :

public function getUrl()
  return Yii::app()->createUrl('/model/view', array(
    'id'=>str_replace(' ', '-', $this->id),

Don't forget to :

  • replace model with the name of your model,
  • use this method to get your model url,
  • modify your view action in your controller :

    public actionView($id)
        $id = str_replace('-', ' ', $id);
        // .....

Second approach

You could use your own CUrlRule class :


like image 125
soju Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 06:04
