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How to render view in subfolder PHP



I am new to MVC and just started practicing with it. I am creating a small to medium size corporate website and did not want to use any big frameworks so I found this and so far it is working pretty well. The only thing that I don't seem to understand is how to render a view in a subfolder.

I have 3 medicines I need to display info for and they are structured like this:


Here is the medicine controller:


class MedicinesController extends Controller
     * Construct this object by extending the basic Controller class
    public function __construct()


     * Handles what happens when user moves to URL/medicines/index
    public function index()

     * Handles what happens when user moves to URL/medicines/medicine1
    public function medicine1()
        $this->View->render('medicines/medicine/info', array(
            'files' => FilesModel::getMedicineFiles())

     * Handles what happens when user moves to URL/medicines/medicine1/forms/male
    public function male()


This is the class that handles controllers:

 * Class Application
 * The heart of the application
class Application
    /** @var mixed Instance of the controller */
    private $controller;

    /** @var array URL parameters, will be passed to used controller-method */
    private $parameters = array();

    /** @var string Just the name of the controller, useful for checks inside the view ("where am I ?") */
    private $controller_name;

    /** @var string Just the name of the controller's method, useful for checks inside the view ("where am I ?") */
    private $action_name;

     * Start the application, analyze URL elements, call according controller/method or relocate to fallback location
    public function __construct()
        // create array with URL parts in $url

        // creates controller and action names (from URL input)

        // does such a controller exist ?
        if (file_exists(Config::get('PATH_CONTROLLER') . $this->controller_name . '.php')) {

            // load this file and create this controller
            // example: if controller would be "car", then this line would translate into: $this->car = new car();
            require Config::get('PATH_CONTROLLER') . $this->controller_name . '.php';
            $this->controller = new $this->controller_name();

            // check for method: does such a method exist in the controller ?
            if (method_exists($this->controller, $this->action_name)) {
                if (!empty($this->parameters)) {
                    // call the method and pass arguments to it
                    call_user_func_array(array($this->controller, $this->action_name), $this->parameters);
                } else {
                    // if no parameters are given, just call the method without parameters, like $this->index->index();
            } else {
                // load 404 error page
                require Config::get('PATH_CONTROLLER') . 'ErrorController.php';
                $this->controller = new ErrorController;
        } else {
            // load 404 error page
            require Config::get('PATH_CONTROLLER') . 'ErrorController.php';
            $this->controller = new ErrorController;

     * Get and split the URL
    private function splitUrl()
        if (Request::get('url')) {

            // split URL
            $url = trim(Request::get('url'), '/');
            $url = filter_var($url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
            $url = explode('/', $url);

            // put URL parts into according properties
            $this->controller_name = isset($url[0]) ? $url[0] : null;
            $this->action_name = isset($url[1]) ? $url[1] : null;

            // remove controller name and action name from the split URL
            unset($url[0], $url[1]);

            // rebase array keys and store the URL parameters
            $this->parameters = array_values($url);

     * Checks if controller and action names are given. If not, default values are put into the properties.
     * Also renames controller to usable name.
    private function createControllerAndActionNames()
        // check for controller: no controller given ? then make controller = default controller (from config)
        if (!$this->controller_name) {
            $this->controller_name = Config::get('DEFAULT_CONTROLLER');

        // check for action: no action given ? then make action = default action (from config)
        if (!$this->action_name or (strlen($this->action_name) == 0)) {
            $this->action_name = Config::get('DEFAULT_ACTION');

        // rename controller name to real controller class/file name ("index" to "IndexController")
        $this->controller_name = ucwords($this->controller_name) . 'Controller';


 * Configuration for: Folders
 * Usually there's no reason to change this.
'PATH_CONTROLLER' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../') . '/application/controller/',
'PATH_VIEW' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../') . '/application/view/',

 * Configuration for: Default controller and action
'DEFAULT_ACTION' => 'index',

And the render

public function render($filename, $data = null)
    if ($data) {
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $this->{$key} = $value;

    require Config::get('PATH_VIEW') . '_templates/header.php';
    require Config::get('PATH_VIEW') . $filename . '.php';
    require Config::get('PATH_VIEW') . '_templates/footer.php';


If I do var_dump(); I get this output:

  private 'controller' => null
  private 'parameters' => 
    array (size=2)
      0 => string 'forms' (length=5)
      1 => string 'male' (length=4)
  private 'controller_name' => string 'medicines' (length=9)
  private 'action_name' => string 'imnovid' (length=7)
like image 372
z0mbieKale Avatar asked Feb 01 '17 09:02


2 Answers

Simple urls

When you access http://ermp.ee/medicines/, it renders application/view/medicines/index.php file due to the following line:


When you access http://ermp.ee/medicines/medicine1/forms/male it renders application/view/medicines/info.php file with files param due to


You pass the view filename directly to View. forms and male are stored in Application's private property parameters.

In this case controller_name is MedicinesController, action_name is medicine1.

URLs with male

When you access http://ermp.ee/medicines/male, controller_name is MedicinesController, action_name is male, but the view rendered is medicines/imnovid/forms/male.php because of the following line:


No matter what is the path to a view, action_name is got from URI. It is just a convention to use path according to action name, you are free to render whatever you want.

like image 152
shukshin.ivan Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 07:11


From what I read in the Github repository you linked to, if you want to render a view that is stored in a subdirectory, you should be able to do so by using forward slashes in the filename passed to render().

In the controller, to render info.php, you could call


like image 43
madsroskar Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 08:11
