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How to render individual radio button choices in Django?


If I have a model that contains a ChoiceField with a RadioSelect widget, how can I render the radio buttons separately in a template?

Let's say I'm building a web app that allows new employees at a company to choose what kind of computer they want on their desktop. This is the relevant model:

class ComputerOrder(forms.Form):     name = forms.CharField(max_length=50)     office_address = forms.Charfield(max_length=75)     pc_type = forms.ChoiceField(widget=RadioSelect(), choices=[(1, 'Mac'), (2, 'PC')]) 

On the template, how do I render just the Mac choice button? If I do this, it renders all the choices:

{{ form.pc_type  }} 

Somewhat naively I tried this, but it produced no output:

{{ form.pc_type.0 }} 

(I found a few similar questions here on SO:

In a Django form, how do I render a radio button so that the choices are separated on the page?
Django Forms: How to iterate over a Choices of a field in Django form

But I didn't feel like they had good answers. Is there a way to resurrect old questions?)

like image 504
John Gordon Avatar asked Apr 19 '12 21:04

John Gordon

People also ask

How do you define a radio button to get choice of user?

Radio buttons are used when there is a list of two or more options that are mutually exclusive and the user must select exactly one choice. In other words, clicking a non-selected radio button will deselect whatever other button was previously selected in the list.

How radio button is implemented in Django?

When creating choices for a radio button form, checkbox form, any form made up of a list of choices, you create a list that consists of tuples. The tuples are made up of basically key-value or key-Display value pairs. The second value is what is displayed to the user on the form.

1 Answers

Django 1.4+ allows you to iterate over the choices in a RadioSelect, along with the lines of

{% for choice in form.pc_type %}   {{ choice.choice_label }}   <span class="radio">{{ choice.tag }}</span> {% endfor %} 

I'm not sure if this change allows you to use the syntax you describe ({{ form.pc_type.0 }}) — if not, you could work around this limitation with the for loop above and a tag like {% if forloop.counter0 == 0 %}.

If you're tied to Django < 1.4, you can either override the render() method as suggested or go with the slightly-more-verbose-but-less-complicated option of building up the form field yourself in the template:

 {% for choice in form.pc_type.field.choices %}    <input name='{{ form.pc_type.name }}'       id='{{ form.pc_type.auto_id }}_{{ forloop.counter0 }}' type='radio' value='{{ choice.0 }}'      {% if not form.is_bound %}{% ifequal form.pc_type.field.initial choice.0 %} checked='checked' {% endifequal %}    {% else %}{% ifequal form.pc_type.data choice.0 %} checked='checked' {% endifequal %}{% endif %}/>    <label for='{{ form.pc_type.auto_id }}_{{ forloop.counter0 }}'>{{ choice.1 }}</label>  {% endfor %} 

(choice.0 and choice.1 are the first and second items in your choices two-tuple)

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supervacuo Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11
