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How to render Django query set as column wise into html table?

Let's say my sql table looks like this..

products table

| id | Model| Manufacturer     |
| 1  | ABC  | Samsung          |
| 2  | XYZ  | LG               | 
| 3  | ZYX  | Sony             |

in django view i fetched all records from this table and passed it to template..

def compare(request):
    product_ids = request.GET.get('product_ids')
    products = Product.objects.filter(id__in=product_ids)
    return render(request, 'compare.html', {'products': products})

as query_set result records comes like one after the other we can say it is following row wise but for this case in template i wanted to create an html table and the result should come like this ..

|id           | 1       | 2        | 3     |
|Model        | ABC     | XYZ      | ZYX   |
|Manufacturer | Samsung | LG       | Sony  |

By looking at above example you can see data is rendered as column wise.

so please suggest me a better method in Django by which i can achieve this and also please correct me if i'm wrong as i'm beginner in Django.

Thanks in advance

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Vishal Taj PM Avatar asked Jan 30 '23 03:01

Vishal Taj PM

2 Answers

Use values_list() and convert your queryset to list

products = list(Product.objects.filter(id__in=product_ids).values_list('id', 'Model', 'Manufacturer'))
# OUTPUT: [(1, 'ABC', 'Samsung'), (2, 'XYZ', 'LG'), (3, 'ZYX', 'Sony')]

Now transpose this 2d matrix using zip

t_products = list(zip(*products))
# OUTPUT: [(1, 2, 3), ('ABC', 'XYZ', 'ZYX'), ('Samsung', 'LG', 'Sony')]

finally you can loop over it in your template

    {% for pl in t_products %}
      {% for l in pl%}
      {% endfor %} 
    {% endfor %}
like image 171
Satendra Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 19:01


You can use pandas.DataFrame.transpose() i.e.,

import pandas as pd
from django_pandas.io import read_frame
df = read_frame(product)
table_html = df.transpose().to_html()

You just pass the table_html string to the template; no template logic needed here. There are several ways to convert a QuerySet to a DataFrame. Here I'm using the django-pandas package.

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pandichef Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 18:01
