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How to rename file before ->download() with Laravel Excel





Can't find in docs of Laravel Excel how to give a new name for loaded file before give it for download. I've tried ->setTitle but it doesn't work.

Excel::load(public_path().'/bills/bill.template.xlsx', function($doc) {

            $doc->setTitle = 'test';
            $sheet = $doc->setActiveSheetIndex(0);

            $sheet->setCellValue('G21', '{buyer}');
            $sheet->setCellValue('AB24', '{sum}');
            $sheet->setCellValue('B30', '{sum_propis}');


It gives me "bill.template.xlsx" when I'm waiting for "test.xlsx"

like image 985
Arsen Ibragimov Avatar asked Dec 09 '15 16:12

Arsen Ibragimov

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1 Answers

I haven't used this library before, but looking at the code it looks like you can set the filename attribute which will then get used in the headers to set the name of the file downloaded.

Probably something like:

Excel::load(public_path().'/bills/bill.template.xlsx', function($doc) 
like image 116
fideloper Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
