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How to rename a file in Amazon S3 Bucket? [duplicate]

I am trying to rename a file in S3 Bucket. Here is a code snippet

    S3Object s3Obj  = getS3Client().getObject(new GetObjectRequest(getBucketName(), fileName));  
//Error in Above Line itself            
    getS3Client().putObject(getBucketName(), newFileName, s3Obj.getObjectContent(), s3Obj.getObjectMetadata());

private AmazonS3 getS3Client(){
        AWSCredentials myCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(AccessKey,SecretKey);
        AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(myCredentials);
        return s3client;

So, I am getting this error,

DEBUG [main] request.handleErrorResponse(748) | Received error response: com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: Status Code: 403, AWS Service: null, AWS Request ID: AD2F31F1133A650E, AWS Error Code: AccessDenied.

I am unable to get the s3object itself. Any suggestions or ideas how I will get S3 Object and rename it. Thanks in Anticipation for you help.

like image 870
Vignesh Gopalakrishnan Avatar asked Apr 29 '14 14:04

Vignesh Gopalakrishnan

2 Answers

Direct renaming of S3 objects is not possible

Rename objects by copying them and deleting the original ones

You can copy and delete using e.g.

CopyObjectRequest copyObjRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, 
           keyName, bucketName, destinationKeyName);
s3client.deleteObject(new DeleteObjectRequest(bucketName, keyName));
like image 181
H6. Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10


As answered by High6 direct renaming of s3 is not possible, but his code will not copy all the contents

i have attached a code snippet which will copy all the contents

code is working just add your aws access key and secret key

here's what i did in code

-> copy the source folder contents(nested child and folders) and pasted in the destination folder

-> when the copying is complete, delete the source folder

package com.bighalf.doc.amazon;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;

import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.CopyObjectRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.ObjectMetadata;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.PutObjectRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.S3ObjectSummary;

public class Test {

public static boolean renameAwsFolder(String bucketName,String keyName,String newName) {
    boolean result = false;
    try {
        AmazonS3 s3client = getAmazonS3ClientObject();
        List<S3ObjectSummary> fileList = s3client.listObjects(bucketName, keyName).getObjectSummaries();
        //some meta data to create empty folders start
        ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
        InputStream emptyContent = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
        //some meta data to create empty folders end

        //final location is the locaiton where the child folder contents of the existing folder should go
        String finalLocation = keyName.substring(0,keyName.lastIndexOf('/')+1)+newName;
        for (S3ObjectSummary file : fileList) {
            String key = file.getKey();
            //updating child folder location with the newlocation
            String destinationKeyName = key.replace(keyName,finalLocation);
                //if name ends with suffix (/) means its a folders
                PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, destinationKeyName, emptyContent, metadata);
                //if name doesnot ends with suffix (/) means its a file
                CopyObjectRequest copyObjRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, 
                        file.getKey(), bucketName, destinationKeyName);
        boolean isFodlerDeleted = deleteFolderFromAws(bucketName, keyName);
        return isFodlerDeleted;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return result;

public static boolean deleteFolderFromAws(String bucketName, String keyName) {
    boolean result = false;
    try {
        AmazonS3 s3client = getAmazonS3ClientObject();
        //deleting folder children
        List<S3ObjectSummary> fileList = s3client.listObjects(bucketName, keyName).getObjectSummaries();
        for (S3ObjectSummary file : fileList) {
            s3client.deleteObject(bucketName, file.getKey());
        //deleting actual passed folder
        s3client.deleteObject(bucketName, keyName);
        result = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return result;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    boolean result = renameAwsFolder(bucketName, keyName, newName);

private static AWSCredentials credentials = null;
private static AmazonS3 amazonS3Client = null;
private static final String ACCESS_KEY = "";
private static final String SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "";
private static final String bucketName = "";
private static final String keyName = "";
//renaming folder c to x from key name
private static final String newName = "";

public static void intializeAmazonObjects() {
    credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY);
    amazonS3Client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);

public static AmazonS3 getAmazonS3ClientObject() {
    return amazonS3Client;


like image 2
Mateen Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10
