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How to rename a column in Databricks

How do you rename a column in Databricks?

The following does not work:

ALTER TABLE mySchema.myTable change COLUMN old_name new_name int

It returns the error:

ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN is not supported for changing column 'old_name' with type 'IntegerType >(nullable = true)' to 'new_name' with type 'IntegerType (nullable = true)';

If it makes a difference, this table is using Delta Lake, and it is NOT partitioned or z-ordered by this "old_name" column.

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David Maddox Avatar asked Dec 26 '19 17:12

David Maddox

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1. Renaming a column name using the ALTER keyword. Line 2: RENAME COLUMN OldColumnName TO NewColumnName; For Example: Write a query to rename the column name “SID” to “StudentsID”.

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1 Answers

You can't rename or change a column datatype in Databricks, only add new columns, reorder them or add column comments. To do this you must rewrite the table using the overwriteSchema option.

Take this example below from this documentation:

  .withColumnRenamed("date", "date_created")
  .option("overwriteSchema", "true")
like image 69
LeandroHumb Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10
