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how to remove unique entry and keep duplicates in R



ID     Cat1  Cat2    Cat3   Cat4
A0001   358 11.25   37428   0
A0001   279 14.6875 38605   0
A0013   367 5.125   40152   1
A0014   337 16.3125 38624   0
A0020   367 8.875   37797   0
A0020   339 9.625   39324   0

I need help learning to how remove the unique rows in my file while keeping the duplicates or triplicates. For example, output should look like below:

ID     Cat1  Cat2    Cat3   Cat4
A0001   358 11.25   37428   0
A0001   279 14.6875 38605   0
A0020   367 8.875   37797   0
A0020   339 9.625   39324   0

If you can give me advice how to approach this problem, much appreciated.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I wanted to calculate the difference in value in the different Categories (i.e. Cat2, Cat 3) between the repeated measures (by unique ID). Would appreciate any suggestions.

like image 764
sleepyjoe Avatar asked Aug 27 '15 21:08


2 Answers

Another option in base R Using duplicated

dx[dx$ID %in% dx$ID[duplicated(dx$ID)],]

#      ID Cat1    Cat2  Cat3 Cat4
# 1 A0001  358 11.2500 37428    0
# 2 A0001  279 14.6875 38605    0
# 5 A0020  367  8.8750 37797    0
# 6 A0020  339  9.6250 39324    0

data.table using duplicated

using duplicated and fromLast version you get :

setkey(setDT(dx),ID) # or with data.table 1.9.5+: setDT(dx,key="ID")
dx[duplicated(dx) |duplicated(dx,fromLast=T)]

#       ID Cat1    Cat2  Cat3 Cat4
# 1: A0001  358 11.2500 37428    0
# 2: A0001  279 14.6875 38605    0
# 3: A0020  367  8.8750 37797    0
# 4: A0020  339  9.6250 39324    0

This can be applied to base R also but I prefer data.table here for syntax sugar.

like image 174
agstudy Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10


General comments.

  • The ave approach is the only one here that preserves the data's initial row ordering.
  • The by approach should be very slow. I suspect that data.table and dplyr are not much faster than ave and tapply (yet) at selecting groups. Benchmarks to prove me wrong welcome!

base R (Thanks to @thelatemail for both of the first two approaches.)

1) Each row is assigned the length of its df$ID group, and we filter based on the vector of lengths.

df[ ave(1:nrow(df), df$ID, FUN=length) > 1 , ]

2) Alternately, we split row names or numbers by df$ID, selecting which groups' rows to keep. tapply returns a list of groups of rows, so we must unlist them into a single vector of rows.

df[ unlist(tapply(1:nrow(df), df$ID, function(x) if (length(x) > 1) x)) , ]

What follows is a worse approach, but better parallels what you see with data.table and dplyr:

3) The data is split by df$ID, keeping each subset of data, SD if if has more than one row. by returns a list, so we must rbind them back together.

do.call( rbind, c(list(make.row.names = FALSE),
    by(df, df$ID, FUN=function(SD) if (nrow(SD) > 1) SD )))

data.table .N corresponds to nrow within a by=ID group; and .SD is the subset of data.

setDT(df)[, if (.N>1) .SD, by=ID]

#       ID Cat1    Cat2  Cat3 Cat4
# 1: A0001  358 11.2500 37428    0
# 2: A0001  279 14.6875 38605    0
# 3: A0020  367  8.8750 37797    0
# 4: A0020  339  9.6250 39324    0

dplyr n() corresponds to nrow within a group_by(ID) group.

df %>% group_by(ID) %>% filter( n() > 1 )

# Source: local data frame [4 x 5]
# Groups: ID
#      ID Cat1    Cat2  Cat3 Cat4
# 1 A0001  358 11.2500 37428    0
# 2 A0001  279 14.6875 38605    0
# 3 A0020  367  8.8750 37797    0
# 4 A0020  339  9.6250 39324    0
like image 39
Frank Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10
