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how to remove the warning "This will upload all files from [Folder]. Only do this if you trust this site."

While uploading the folder using Webkitdirectory html feature, we come across the warning message that says "This will upload all files from [Folder]. Only do this if you trust this site."

I want to remove this warning.

<input type="file" id="filepicker" name="fileList" webkitdirectory multiple />
like image 612
sneha Avatar asked Jul 20 '19 09:07


1 Answers

Unfortunately there is no way to fix it because there is a new security policy:

previously you could socially engineer a user into holding enter and it uploaded their whole home folder to the attacker site.

There is no way of skipping this step.

like image 52
Evil-Coder Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
