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How to remove scrollbars from Google map bubble in Google map Javascript V3

I have used Google map javascript V3 API to display a map. But I have a problem with the map bubbles. When the information in the bubble is more than the specific height, it is inserting scrollbars into the bubble.

How can I remove those scrollbars and assign dynamic width & height to the bubble as per their content?

Or how can I design my own custom bubble to make it dynamic for width & height as per the contents?

Thanks in advance.

like image 766
Somnath Pawar Avatar asked May 16 '11 10:05

Somnath Pawar

People also ask

How do I remove the scroll bar from Bubble Bar?

Check the Expose the option to add an ID attribute checkbox. Now hit preview and you won't have the scroll-bar. If you need some help with your Bubble app or would like me to build one for you, send me an email at [email protected].

How do I get rid of markers on Google Maps?

You can delete the markers by removing them from the map and then setting the array's length to 0 , which removes all references to the markers.

2 Answers

Had a similar problem - scroll bars appear in popups with text content, sometimes they disappear after closing & opening a popup again, they also appear if I was changing a page zoom level.

This post was helpfull. I added a few CSS strings and it solved all my extra scrollbars cases:

.gm-style-iw {
   overflow: hidden !important; 
   line-height: 1.35;
   white-space: nowrap;
like image 164
Grin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


If you have an image in your infowindows like I do, try a little inline styling where you are setting the content for the infowindows. I found adding display:block to the img tag fixed the problem for me.

Tested on FF, IE9, Opera, Safari, Chrome.


    var html = "<img style=\"display:block;\" src=\""+image+"\"/>"
like image 25
clintonjammer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
