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How to remove repositories that I don't own from GitHub dashboard

I forked a repo on GitHub then I created a pull request to with my changes and then I changed my mind so I closed the pull request and I deleted the fork I made on the repo. The problem is that the repository(not the fork) is still showing in the Repositories list in the GitHub dashboard (see picture below)

enter image description here

See the reeeeeeeeeee.../reeeeeeee... repository is the one that I want to delete from there but I can't. I tried everything. If I go to my profile and click on repositories it isn't there because I removed the fork.

like image 244
Ax M Avatar asked Jan 11 '19 21:01

Ax M

People also ask

How do I permanently delete a repository?

Deleting a RepositoryOpen the repository you want to delete. At the top bar, click Settings. Scroll down until you get to the Danger Zone. There, click Delete this repository.

How do I leave a shared GitHub repository?

In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings. In the "Code, planning, and automation" section of the sidebar, click Repositories. Next to the repository you want to leave, click Leave. Read the warning carefully, then click "I understand, leave this repository."

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Go to working directory where you project folder (cloned folder) is placed. Now delete the folder. in windows just right click and do delete.

1 Answers

I recently had the same "issue" of having a repository on my left sidebar in my dashboard, which I thought would disappear as I removed it from my account. After contacting the Github Support Service they replied with the following message:

The list of repositories in your sidebar will display your repositories as well as any repository you've interacted with in the past 4 months. It looks like you opened this Pull Request there:

[url to PR]

This would count as a contribution, which adds the repository to your contributed to repository list. Once that activity is 4 months old, that will be removed from your sidebar.

This is a late reply to your question and it might already be removed, however I hope this can clear up some confusion for someone else in the future.

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Giovds Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
