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How to remove negative values from a List<int>?

I'm ending up with a bunch of ints in my List (named "listInts").

That should not surprise anybody.

My problem is I don't want any negative numbers in there, but there is the possibility of having three, specifically -1, -2, and -3.

I can clumsily remove them via:

if (listInts.Contains(-1) {
    int i = listInts.IndexOf(-1);
    // etc.

...but I know this exhudes a code smell stenchier than a whole passle of polecats.

What is a better way?

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B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven Avatar asked Jun 02 '12 00:06

B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven

People also ask

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We use the removeIf method to delete all negative values. values. removeIf(val -> val < 0); All negative numbers are removed from the array list.

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In Python, positive numbers can be changed to negative numbers with the help of the in-built method provided in the Python library called abs (). When abs () is used, it converts negative numbers to positive.

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An int is signed by default, meaning it can represent both positive and negative values.

2 Answers

listInts.RemoveAll(t => t < 0)
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Porco Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


I would use LINQ:

listInts = listInts.Where(i => i >= 0).ToList();

Depending on how this is going to be used, you could also avoid the ToList() call and not resave the values:

var positiveInts = listInts.Where(i => i >= 0);

This will still let you enumerate as needed.

If you need to change the list in place, List<T>.RemoveAll is actually a more efficient method:

listInts.RemoveAll(i => i < 0);

However, I do not prefer this as it's a method that causes side effects, and tends to be confusing (hence hampering maintenance) if you're using other LINQ extension methods.

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Reed Copsey Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Reed Copsey